ID: The OOSOOM logo is in white, centred above a colourful square of brush strokes with black abstract facial features. The Poster text reads: ‘An exhibition of art made by people with experiences of mental health issues. 9-27 October, Wed to Sun 11-6pm, Summerhall, Edinburgh. Free. www.OutOfSightOutOfMind.Scot. Presenting a variety of themes, some may be affecting, thought provoking, everyday and/or awesome. The logos of Caps Advocacy, Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, Thrive Edinburgh, Mental Health Foundation, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership and Summerhall.


Out of Sight Out of Mind

In 2024 Out of Sight Out of Mind exhibition showed artworks made by 310 people who have experience of mental health issues. Many of whom responded to the theme of In/Visible. It took place at Summerhall in October.

The exhibition is directed by a Planning Group of people who have experience mental health issues and is facilitated by CAPS Independent Advocacy. Planning for the 2025 exhibition will begin soon!

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Visit the news section for highlights and the latest updates. Get in touch if you would like to get involved as an exhibitor or planner in 2025.


Visit the archive pages which share the story of the exhibition, including a specially commissioned film, all the posters, and other material.


From 2013 to 2024, see images from all previous exhibitions.