The 10th Out of Sight Out of Mind presented artworks made by 227 people who have experience of mental health issues, and showed 172 artworks. It also celebrated its 10th year anniversary, and the first in person launch in several years!


Meadows Gallery I

Meadows Gallery II

Meadows Gallery III

Meadows Gallery IV

Sciennes Gallery

The Corridor Gallery

The War Memorial Gallery

The Cafe Gallery

Corner Gallery

Basement Cafe Gallery



2022 Poster

Announcing the 10th Out of Sight Out of Mind 2022 poster!

Since 2013 all of the OOSOOM posters have been designed by Michael Dawson and it’s completion marks a special time in the run up to the exhibition.


Each year he works in close collaboration with the Planning Group. The inspiration for the poster usually comes from the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival’s annual theme which this year is ‘gather’. For the 2022 poster you will see that we are highlighting Out of Sight Out of Mind’s 10th birthday


What does it mean to you? 2022

Each year we ask; if you are a visitor to the exhibition, an exhibitor, a friend or relative of one, a project partner or anyone else at all, ‘What does the exhibition means to you?’

We appreciate the responses and hearing the different meanings the exhibition has.