Dreaming… (2021)

by Jamie O’Donnell

I am an interdisciplinary artist based in Edinburgh and Dundee whose practice explores the topics of mental health and the trans experience. In my work, I use poetry, which I have written myself, as my starting point. 

These poems are extremely personal as they are about my experience with anxiety, depression, and gender dysphoria – as well as growing up. It is very healing for me to share my experience through my practice in the hope of someone else recognising themselves in my work. 

I often use found objects/sound clips/film clips as I have always been interested in collecting things, due to my upbringing living in Bangladesh. I have travelled to many different countries with my family, and we have collected items from each country we’ve been to. 

My practice spans many different mediums and is always changing. I am interested in making my work all-immersive for the audience and making them feel a certain emotion. By doing intimate performances of my poetry, I have begun to really strip back my practice. I believe there is something really special about how people can be brought together by the power of one voice. 

More recently, I have started using stop motion animation in my work, as I used to make them as a child. This explores the concept of the inner child and inner voice – this also reflects how I feel about myself now as I am becoming happier in myself.


Me the Machine


Flask Monsters