
by Glo Lo

1: to get back: Regain. 

2a: to bring back to normal position or condition.  

  b archaic: Rescue.   

3a: to make up for.   

  b: to gain by legal process  

4 archaic: Reach  

5: to find or identify again.   

6a: to obtain from an ore, a waste product, or a by-product.  

  b: to save from loss and restore to usefulness: Reclaim 


Accumulated aches of decades 

Unfold to haunt and mould the broken: 

Dark tall inescapable shadow of mine own; 

Act of defiance to withstand then turn to face, 

Courage and strength pushed beyond limits. 

Imperfect, in grief, pain and fear ingrained 

Transforming cage into cocoon, reborn- 

Yearning for love and to be who I am. 


Dance in the womb of rocks 

Rain over the eons as floods of tears 

Eroded lovingly the caressing waters 

Actively etch each swirl and move 

Memories shedding transcendental light  


Life’s journeys flash by as if on a screen 

Inhabit this body fully, now, 

Vitality flows and path renewed 

Every  step,  letting  go… 


Healing Inspirations 

Music : 

Tall Tall Shadow - Basia Bulat 

Secrets of the Stars - The Milk Carton Kids 

Broken Chair - Chris and Thomas 

Nature : 

Antelope Canyon, Colorado  


Crows in a Cornfield


2022: Edina’s 8-year celebration of OOSOOM Summerhall exhibits