Yarará's Soul Kaleidoscope

by Lulubé

My name means first light of the morning - but my nickname growing up was "Crucera", the Spanish name for the cross-viper native to my homelands who we call Yarará.


I've finally outgrown the protective escapisms that supported my evolutions when trapped in Time and like the demonised Sacred Snakes all over the globe, have shed the constrictions of colonialism to find the medicine of my indigenous roots.


Mayan tradition suggests artistic expression, scientific knowledge and spiritual connection are the basis for cultural wellbeing and this has guided my creative practice into this piece. Butterflies represent the ephemeral nature of human existence within our Universal Consciousness - which is known as the Kaleidoscope, the noun for a group of butterflies. 


The Universe is infinitely more beautiful when we can be our truest selves without the burdens of trauma and systemic oppression.


Assemble II


Freedom to Flow