Today, I died my hundredth thousandth and first death

By Jasmine Kate Wickens

Descansos are markers of death; on this spot we mourn something which happened to alter a life forever.       

We die many deaths over our lives, both small and large. This piece is inspired by a practise offered by Clarissa Pinkola Estés in her book Women who run with the wolves; it is a conscious exploration, remembering and honouring of those parts of myself which I am ready to lay to rest. Those parts of myself which have been and gone, and those which never had the chance to surface for air.          

Here, I mark the roads I did not take, the paths which were cut off, profound tragedies, betrayals and deaths. This piece is a love letter to myself, a blessing, as I honour my past and lay it to rest.           

“There is a lot to be said for pinning things to the earth so they don’t follow us around. There is a lot to be said for laying them to rest.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estés


Blossomest Blossom


Secret Garden