How an exhibition becomes visible: Week Two of install…

The OOSOOM 2024 Poster seen in the poster frames outside Summerhall. 

Poster Perfection!

As another day draws to a close it’s nice to find a moment to see our poster radiant in the sunshine as it take up its position in the poster frames outside Summerhall.

A place for everything and everything in it’s place.

Week two is all about getting all of the curation finished and ready for the brilliant Tech Team to hang the artworks. Curation can often feel like a game of Tetris, after all of the conversations, movements and different options are explored the jigsaw puzzle pieces of the exhibition come together and each artwork finds its in place within the exhibition spaces.

Hanging artworks and hanging out!

A lot of time goes into the curation process as each artwork is given equal consideration, thought and time. As such, it often leads to lots of thoughtful discussions and conversations. It’s one of the unseen elements of the work done by the Team. Getting time to hang out together, talk freely and share stories and time together is definitely a highlight! Fuelled with snacks, baking brilliance and the impressive tea and biscuit selection of course!

Timely touch-ups

As we start to get close to the day of the Exhibition Launch it is time to crack open the white and grey paint and get touching up the paint work, mopping the floors and sweeping up the sawdust! A seemingly unglamorous series of jobs, it’s made all the more glamorous when dressed in such fetching painting onesies! It is equally fun nevertheless and an important part of the process to make sure we show each artwork as best as we can.

Paw-sitivley pup-fect pick-me-up

As the exhibition starts to come together and all of the jobs get done a visit from some four-legged friends is a sure way of boosting Team spirit! That and more Team baking!

Summerhall is a dog friendly venue, so if visiting dogs can remain on leashes they are welcome too!

Labels and lighting

Lighting the artworks really helps bring the galleries to life. We spend time with the great Team at Summerhall to ensure each room is lit as well as possible.

Each artwork is shown with a label next to it, and they are an important part of the exhibition. Exhibitors can include a title, a name, and say something about their work if they would like to. For the OOSOOM team putting them up is like a huge game of Memory Match played over three floors of Summerhall building! Finding and placing each one is satisfying, and takes the exhibition one step closer to being ready for launch. It can feel a bit intense too, as we are aware that the clock is ticking…

3, 2, 1… Launch!!!

From sawdust to showbiz! We prepare for the Exhibition Launch Event happening in the evening. The stage is set: galleries are cleared of tools, signage placed, and finally the artworks are ready to meet their audience!

Next, the Launch Team put on their purple T-shirts, which are inspired by the 2024 poster, the team are ready to welcome and help launch guests.

After an amazing effort from all involved the exhibition is finally ready for launch!

We all send a huge Thank You! to the OOSOOM team, to all the people who have been involved in making it happen, and to all 310 people who have shared their artworks.

We look forward to welcoming visitors to the galleries to see the exhibition during the next few weeks.

Come and see it for yourself!

The exhibition is open 9 - 27 October, 11am - 6pm, Wednesday to Sunday, (Closed Mondays and Tuesdays).

Click here for more information about getting to Summerhall.


Thoughts from The Planning Group about the SMHAF theme ‘In/Visible’…