Dandie Dinmont Flower Power

by Lauren Stonebanks

My not-sister-in-law set a lockdown challenge, “Make a garden or outdoor themed colourful artwork” by the end of 2020. At 9pm on 31st December 2020 I suddenly realised I hadn’t made it yet. While I’d pressed the flowers in the summer, the only canvas I had available was a pearl black one with metallic pinks and purples. It had to do. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to make but as I’d spent most of lockdown drawing Dandie Dinmont Terriers I figured one more wouldn’t hurt. I finished it with 90 minutes to spare and this was the result. 

I really did miss my partner’s parents’ dogs during lockdown. They have two Dandie Dinmont Terriers called Lucy and Rohan. Dandies are an old and rare Scottish breed of dog, they have fairly short legs with long bodies, large heads, pendulous ears, white fluffy topknots and huge eyes that melt your heart. Lucy and Rohan melted my heart the moment I met them.

Lauren Stonebanks is a former medical student who fell down the rabbit hole of mental illness. They use art to unload, unwind, communicate and educate with widely differing degrees of success. 




Crocheted Blanket: An exercise in creativity, mindfulness, overcoming anxiety and procrastination