The Invisible Singer

The Invisible Singer - Project Overview.jpg

by Outlook

Running time: 1:58 mins

Outlook offers free adult education classes to people who access mental health services in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Covid-19 meant moving our classes online, this led to holding some music classes remotely. During a session, we listened to a Radiohead song called Treefingers.

As everyone involved has a musical and creative background, this led to an idea to make a new piece of music which was informed by the original song, and is titled ‘The Invisible Singer’. For this, everyone involved recorded their own pieces at home and these were forwarded onto Richard, an Outlook student, who then edited Angela’s, Suzanne’s and Will’s work onto a base track that Richard had made. Alex then made a video to go along with the song.

If you’d like to learn more about the project and how to access the song, then please read the accompanying information boards.


Pazhe (Outside)


Liquid People