My Sandy

by Athena McLellan (Edinburgh SoBs Group)

My Sandy took his life on 19.09.20, aged 28 years young. I made this pastel drawing of him about seven weeks after, on the first afternoon I had been left on my own since his death. 

It makes me smile. It shows his happy, gentle, loving face. He had eyes as big as the moon. He was so proud of his beard he’d grown in the last year. 

Sandy was the kindest person I think I’ve ever met. He always befriended the underdog and always made people feel better about themselves. He loved animals and equally, they loved him. He regularly looked after young birds, squirrels and foxes. 

As a family, we always knew how much he loved us - he told us so every single day, at the end of every call. How I hope he knew how much we loved him and always will. After all, grief is just love with nowhere to go. 

My beautiful boy, my Sandy.


Crocheted Blanket: An exercise in creativity, mindfulness, overcoming anxiety and procrastination

